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Optoelectronic Materials and Devices

Dec 14, 2020 17:14

(I) Main features

It is a multidisciplinary offeredaccording to the characteristics of theSchoolof Advanced Materials and Nanotechnologyin theXidianUniversity, and there arecertain mutual support and mutual complementationbetweenresearch directions included. The advantages of this discipline lie in thestrongresearch background of semiconductor optoelectronics, the solid research foundation of photochemistry and electrochemistry, and the research characteristics of the combination of luminescence and photochemistry.Manyscientific research platformssuch asprovincial engineering technology center, “testing centerforadvanced materials”, “computing terminal laboratoryformaterials”, “characterization analysis centerformicro-nano structuresand materials”, “development and testing platformforlow-dimensional semiconductor materials and devices”and“preparation platformforthin film materials”of the schoolcan support the higher-level scientific research work of this discipline. On the basis of research on semiconductor lighting and high-energy ultraviolet light, the research contents of materials, devices and applications such as photodegradation, photosensitization, photocatalysis and photocuring excited by ultraviolet light can be expanded, and the comprehensive development, application and popularization of photoelectric materials and devices can be realized under the condition of being more suitable for the industrial background, which can just promote the upgrading of related industries in China.

(II)Main research direction

1. GaN-based optoelectronic materials and devices

Thisresearch direction mainlyfocuses on the preparation method, epitaxial structure,device structureetc.of GaNmaterials. Its device applications include light-emitting devices and detectors.For the light-emitting devices, it focuses onfabrication technologiesofcore materials, epitaxial structures and devicesrelated to GaN-based yellow-green, blue, ultravioletanddeep ultraviolet LED.For the detectors, it ismainly aimedat ultraviolet detectors and deep ultraviolet detectors with comparative advantages in wide bandgap semiconductor materials.

At present, as mentioned above,GaN-basedyellow,green, blueandultraviolet LED and single-tube devicesofultraviolet detector with cutoff wavelength of 360nm have reached the international synchronous leading level, andthe industrial application is realized. The deep ultraviolet LED device has formed the stage result and is being developed for the industry level.The detector array is in the early stages of research.

2.Photoelectric functional materials

This researchdirectioninvolves a wide range of functional materials, including phosphors, rare earth luminescent materials, photosensitive materials, photodegradablematerials, photocatalyticmaterials, etc.,whicharerelated to light, as well as functional materials related to solar cells and new energy storage devices.Among them, certain phased achievementshave beenachievedin theresearch on phosphors, rare earth luminescent materials, photodegradable and photosensitive materials, and some technologies have certain practical possibilities. Some breakthroughs have also been made in the exploration of new energy storage materials.

In terms ofplatform construction, "Shaanxi Engineering Technology and Research Center of High-Power Semiconductor Lighting"has beenjointlyestablished in thisresearch direction with enterprises.
